PUNCH SOC processes the first data

The SOC processed the first data downlinked from the 
		spacecraft to determine the orientation of the spacecraft relative to the Sun (left) and verify image transmission 
		using a test pattern (right).

The SOC processed the first data downlinked from the spacecraft to determine the orientation of the spacecraft relative to the Sun (left) and verify image transmission using a test pattern (right).

The Science Operations Center (SOC) for PUNCH received the first data packets from the four spacecraft. The data downlinks included both engineering and test image packets. The SOC successfully decompressed the packets and reconstructed the expected striped test pattern image. Using a test pattern allows the SOC to verify that data is properly transmitted and formed into images. The spacecraft sends engineering packets down alongside the images that indicate spacecraft parameters such as orientation and position. The SOC’s automated processing routines ingested this data and confirmed the spacecraft are pointing toward the Sun as expected. A good estimate of the spacecraft pointing is critical for the SOC’s data processing; it would not be possible to construct the seamless mosaics required to answer PUNCH’s science questions without it. The next step is to collect and process calibration images without light on the sensor, commonly called dark images. More information about the SOC processing can be found on GitHub.