Get involved with PUNCH science

The PUNCH project is committed to open, inclusive science. All data are available to the world, and most science activities including team meetings are open to everyone. PUNCH data users are requested to acknowledge the PUNCH project and to notify the PUNCH Project Scientist of any publications to help track impact

Background of PUNCH science

Topical Focus Groups

PUNCH Science Working Groups host Topical Focus Groups open to the scientific community. Everyone is welcome to join in these activities!

Science Operations Center

The PUNCH Science Operations Center (SOC) responsibilities begin with receiving raw data from the Mission Operations Center. The SOC first validates the data is properly received and that the satellites are operating normally. Next, the SOC calibrates that data to create scientifically useful data products. Those data products are distributed via the NASA Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC) and indexed by the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO). Before launch, the SOC is busy creating the data calibration pipeline, available on the PUNCH GitHub.


The PUNCH team organizes special sessions at community meetings like the AGU as well as annual winter topical telecons and in-person science meetings. See our meetings page for upcoming and past meetings.

Save the date: PUNCH 5 Meeting, June 20-21, 2024

Stay in touch

Coming Soon!

PUNCH Science Operations Center (SOC) highlights and PUNCH Science Data Products