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What is one reason Earth’s magnetic field is so important to
life? ● What is the name of
at least one NASA mission important to the study of the solar wind and our heliosphere?
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Every second tons of material speeds away from the Sun in all directions. This so-called “solar wind” creates a “bubble” in space that surrounds the whole solar system.

Image of Comet Hale-Bopp and its tail. Observations of comets (whose tails extend away from the Sun) first led scientists to suspect that there was a continuous outward flow of stuff from the Sun that we now call the “solar wind.” Comet tails are made of tiny pieces of the the comet that are removed by the solar wind. The tail points away from the Sun whether the comet is headed toward or away from the Sun.
Image credit: E. Kolmhofer, H. Raab; Johannes-Kepler-Observatory, Linz, Austria
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